Friday, May 11, 2012

Postmillennial Problems... Will the Church convert the world?

Postmillennial Problems

Will the Church convert the world?

by Dr. David R. Reagan

Postmil Book

I never thought I would live long enough to see the revival of the thoroughly discredited doctrine of postmillennialism. But it has occurred, and it has happened quickly.

The doctrine is sweeping through Christendom today, and strangely enough, it is appealing primarily to two segments at opposite ends of the spectrum — namely, the Charismatics and those with a heritage of Reformed theology.

The doctrine is being presented in new clothes. Although it appears under many different names — Restoration, Reconstruction, New Wave, Latter Rain, and Manifest Sons of God — the two most frequently used titles are Kingdom Now Theology and Dominion Theology.

Post-Millennial View


Regardless of the name, the various groups advocating this confused doctrine hold certain beliefs in common:
  1. The Church has replaced Israel, and God has no purpose left for the Jews. Accordingly, many of the proponents are virulently anti-Semitic, even to the point of arguing that the Jewish people are the Antichrist.
  2. The Church is destined to take over the world by itself and reign over all the nations for at least one thousand years.
  3. Jesus cannot return for the Church until the Church has completed its reign and is ready to present the kingdom to Him.


As pointed out earlier, postmillennialism died a sudden death when World War I broke out. Since the view is based upon the erroneous assumption of the inevitable progress of Mankind, the First World War killed it because that war rendered it impossible to believe that human progress is inevitable.

Until recently, only one major popular book had been written in this century advocating the postmillennial view. Published in 1957, it was entitled The Millennium. The author was a Reformed theologian by the name of Loraine Boettner.

When I read this book, I concluded the author probably lived on an isolated island cut off from all news sources. The reason is that he spends a good portion of the book trying to convince the reader that the world really is getting better.

The resurrection of postmillennialism took place in the decade of the eighties when the market was suddenly flooded with postmillennial books. The two most prolific and influential authors are Earl Paulk and David Chilton.

Two Flavors

Although Paulk and Chilton come to the same erroneous conclusion that the Church will take over the world without the presence of Jesus, their reasoning and methods differ rather drastically.

Paulk's approach is a natural outgrowth of the confused hyperfaith doctrines that have come to characterize much of the Charismatic movement. Paulk says that Christians are "little gods" with the authority of Christ. We can therefore confess dominion over the earth and, through faith, what we confess will come to pass. Paulk's theology is the one referred to as Kingdom Now.

The other major flavor of the postmillennial revival is called Dominion Theology. Its roots are very different. It is advocated by non-Charismatic, Calvinist theologians.

The philosophical father of Dominion Theology is Rousas John Rushdooney. He has been on the scene for a long time, but his writings are obtuse and have been popular among only a handful of intellectuals. But in the past ten years his theories have been popularized by his son-in-law, Gary North of Tyler, Texas and by David Chilton, a Presbyterian preacher in California.

Dominion Theology differs from Kingdom Now not only in its roots but also in its methods. Kingdom Now supposedly relies on supernatural methods. Believers, as "little gods," assert their godhood by speaking dominion over the nations.

Dominion Theology relies on more traditional methods. The world is to be claimed for Christ through missionary effort and political activism.

Scriptural Arguments

There are three cornerstone scriptures that are often used to justify the Kingdom Now/Dominion doctrines. The first and foremost is Acts 3:21.

This verse is usually quoted to say, "Jesus must remain in heaven until all things have been restored." Therefore, the argument goes, Jesus cannot return until the Church has emerged triumphant over the world and has restored God's creation through a reign of peace, righteousness and justice.

The problem with this very neat argument is that the verse does not say what the Dominionists quote it to say. Instead, the verse says, "Jesus will remain in heaven until the time for the restoration of all things." What the verse actually says is therefore drastically different from the subtle Dominionist paraphrase of it.

The verse means exactly what it says: Jesus must remain in heaven until it is time for the restoration of all things. He will then return and restore the creation and restore God's dominion over the creation, just as prophesied by the Hebrew prophets (see, for example, Isaiah 11:3b-9).

The second scripture text which Dominionists often point to is Matthew 24:14 which says that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached in the whole world before the end will come. This verse, they say, requires that the world be converted to Christ before He returns.

But this verse does not say that the world must be converted. It says only that the gospel must be preached to all the world.

The Church is preaching the gospel all over the world today, but even so, not every person will hear it until the end of the Tribulation period when an angel of God will be sent forth to proclaim the gospel "to every nation and tribe and tongue and people" (Revelation 14:6). Then Jesus will return in triumph to establish His kingdom from Mt.Zion in Jerusalem (Revelation 19 and 20).

A third text sometimes used by the Dominionists is Romans 8:19 which says that "the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God." This is interpreted to mean that the creation will be redeemed as the Church matures, purifies, and spreads its influence over the earth.

But the context of this passage makes it very clear that the verse is talking about the resurrection of the saints, not the maturing of the saints. The resurrection will reveal those who are truly the sons of God (verse 23). It is at that time that the curse will be lifted from the creation, not before (verse 21).

Unscriptural Conclusions

The lack of scriptural foundation has led the Kingdom Now/Dominion theologians to conclusions that are completely un-Biblical. Let's consider these conclusions one by one:

1) The Jews — Has God washed His hands of them? The Dominionists claim He has, but Romans 9-11 clearly teaches that the Jews are still the Chosen People of God and that God intends to bring a remnant of them to salvation in Jesus Christ. The disobedience of the Jews has not annulled God's promises to Israel because "the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" (Romans 11:29).

2) The World — Will the world be converted to Jesus as these revived postmillennialists claim? The Bible teaches that the vast majority of people will always reject the gospel. This is one of the points of the parable of the sower (Matthew 13). Jesus said, "The gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it" (Matthew 7:14).

3) The Church — Is the mission of the Church to convert all nations? Again, that's what the Dominionists claim. But the Bible teaches that it is the responsibility of the Church to preach the gospel, not to convert the world (Mark 16:15).

4) The Kingdom — Does the Church establish a kingdom without a king? This is the view of the Dominionists. The Bible teaches that Jesus will present the kingdom to the Church (Daniel 7:13-14,18,27). The Church is never pictured as presenting the kingdom to Jesus. Furthermore, the Church is always portrayed as reigning with Jesus and not as reigning alone (Revelation 3:21).

5) Imminency — The Bible teaches we are to be alert and sober, watching for the imminent return of the Lord for His Church (Matthew 24 and 25). The new postmillennialists deny that the return of Jesus is imminent. In fact, they say He cannot return until the Church has reigned for at least one thousand years.

6) Jesus — The Kingdom Now advocates of the revived postmillennialism not only replace Israel with the Church, they also replace Jesus with the Church. Paulk goes so far as to say that the Church is "the ongoing incarnation of Christ." This is blasphemy. There is only one Christ and that is Jesus of Nazareth. The focus of God's plan of redemption for all of His creation is not the Church; it is Jesus (Hebrews 1). And any doctrine that causes us to take our eyes off the Lord is profoundly false.

The Second Coming

One of the most incredible claims of Kingdom Now/Dominion eschatology is that the Second Coming of Christ occurred in the First Century!

The new postmillennialists are forced to take this position in order to explain away all the prophecies in Revelation concerning the return of Jesus. They argue that all these prophecies were fulfilled in the destruction ofJerusalem in 70 A.D.

They view the Jews as the Antichrist. The siege of Jerusalem by Roman troops under Titus is pictured as the Tribulation, and the destruction of Jerusalem is seen as the Second Coming of Jesus in wrath.

This interpretation, of course, requires the book of Revelation to have been written before 70 A.D. But the internal evidence of the book regarding the Roman empire and the external testimony of the Church Fathers both point to a date of authorship around 95 A.D., 25 years after the destruction of Jerusalem.

The type of widespread Roman persecution of the Church that is described in Revelation did not occur until the reign of Domitian (81-96 A.D.). One of the Church Fathers, Irenaeus (120-202 A.D.), wrote that the book of Revelation was authored by the apostle John "towards the end of Domitian's reign." Irenaeus was discipled by Polycarp (70-155 A.D.) who, in turn, had been discipled directly by John himself.

The evidence is simply overwhelming that the book of Revelation was written after the destruction of Jerusalem. This fact alone completely destroys the whole foundation of Dominionist eschatology.

The preposterous concept that the Second Coming of Christ occurred in 70 A.D. is reminiscent of two fellows in the time of Paul — Hymenaeus and Philetus — who argued that the resurrection had already taken place (2 Timothy 2:17-18). Paul dismissed their claim as "worldly and empty chatter" that will "lead to further ungodliness" (2 Timothy 2:16). We would do well to follow Paul's advice regarding the Dominionist claim that the Second Coming occurred in the First Century.

A New Age of Deception

We are living in the season of the Lord's return. All the signs point to the fact that Jesus will return for His Church at any moment. What more could Satan wish for at this time than the rebirth of a doctrine that destroys the imminency of the Lord's return and gets people's eyes focused not on Jesus but on the world and the creation of a world wide kingdom?

It is deception that is preparing people for the emergence of the Antichrist, for the Bible teaches that the only worldwide kingdom that will be established before the return of Jesus will be the apostate kingdom of the Antichrist, a kingdom that will be established in the name of religion (Revelation 13).

A Warning

Every time the Church has sought political power, it has ended up being corrupted by the political system. This happened when the Church was wed with the Roman Empire, leading to the spiritual darkness of the Middle Ages.

The deadest churches in the world today are the political, state churches of Europe. They have the form of religion, but they have denied its power (2 Timothy 3:5). They have political power, but they do not have the power of God's Spirit.

Do not be deceived by those who urge the Church to change the world through the pursuit of political power. It is true that a day will come when the Church will reign over all the world, but that reign will be conducted in person by Jesus through His glorified saints. A perfect kingdom requires a perfect king ruling through perfected subjects.

Christians Beware! – Bill Perkins

If we're living in the latter days of the latter days, and I believe we are, then Satan should be in high gear getting ready for his world takeover.

Whether we have two days, two years or twenty years before the Rapture of the Saints, a simple review of national and world events should uncover Satan's latter day tactics of his run-up to power.

And a simple review shows, as always, Satan has been quite busy as the "god of this world" (2Cor 4:4) ...causing chaos and seeking to destroy Christians and non-Christians alike (1Pet 5:8).

Thankfully Believers have a power within them that is exponentially greater (1John 4:4). We can boldly do what God has called us to do with the gifts He has given us, knowing it is He who is in ultimate control.

For Americans there are two things of which many Christians seemingly are unaware: "Agenda 21" and "George Soros." Both have had a huge effect on the direction of the United States for the last 15 to 20 years and to disregard them as just "conspiracy theories" could literally lead to our downfall as a world power, or even the loss of freedoms we take for granted.

But understanding what and who they are, and the detrimental influence they have had on our country, is absolutely necessary to know... unless you want to take an ostrich approach to our problems.

So below is a summary of Agenda 21... not meant to be fully in-depth, but hopefully enough to give you the big picture.

Agenda 21

While Christian conservatives are focused on the fight to elect politicians who espouse Biblical values, most of us are unaware of the socialism being inserted into our local communities through Agenda 21. Never heard of Agenda 21? If not, that's what they're counting on.

Agenda 21 is a world agenda that is directly affecting your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness... yet few have even heard of the phrase.

Agenda 21, in a nutshell, is a United Nations program promoting socialist goals that attack U.S. constitutionally protected freedoms and liberties.

(And if you're not worried about the stupid U.N., think again. Liberals are pushing for the U.N.s laws to be superior to our laws. But that's a whole different subject I won't get into now.)

Agenda 21 is the blueprint for the United Nations to control the world. Yes, they actually think they can. And the Bible says eventually there WILL be a world government so we're watching Bible prophecy being fulfilled.

Agenda 21 is an abbreviation of "The Global Agenda for the 21st Century." It got its start in 1992 when the United Nations held a huge conference in Rio de Janeiro called "The United Nations' Conference on Environment and Development" or "The Real Earth Summit."

Few conservatives, much less Christians, paid much attention to this meeting, but an astonishing 18,000 people attended from 178 countries!

The U.S. Congress never approved Agenda 21, but President George H.W. Bush (Senior), Clinton and Obama have all signed Executive Orders implementing it in the U.S.!

According to UN literature, Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be implemented globally, nationally and locally by the U.N. to cover every area in which humans affect the environment... which is of course, everything.

The program is not secret, but openly promoted within the U.N's public socialistic objectives.

However, they stealthily have substituted the words "Sustainable Development" for "Environment" in order to be more acceptable to Americans. So pay attention to the word "sustainable" in the future.

Since the Rio Summit, the U.N. has mostly bypassed national governments using Agenda 21's International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives ("ICLEI") to make agreements directly with local governments.

ICLEI's U.S. presence has grown through the years to include agreements with over 600 cities, towns and counties here implementing land use plans laid out in Agenda 21.

Several cities have realized what ICLEI was up to and banned them from operating. Four states are discussing ways to stop ICLEI from operating- Kansas, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Arizona. But most people are simply unaware of both their presence and/or their agenda.

Agenda 21's world goals include combating poverty, changing consumption patterns and reducing private ownership (homes, cars, farms, etc.). So what does this mean?

Poverty- the U.S. has too much money compared to the rest of the world- therefore its wealth must be redistributed to the rest of the world under the banner of "social justice."

Changing consumption patterns- The U.S. is only 5% of the world's population but consumes over 20% of the world's energy. That is considered extravagant and has to be corrected.

Private Home Ownership

These ding-bats know Americans have too much control of their lives due to the large amount of private ownership of houses, cars, farms, savings, etc. And they want to solve that problem so we can be more easily controlled by the U.N.

Most of us would laugh off the above as being ridiculous. But they are not only serious but have been stealthily implementing this since 1992!

They also just despise the large percentage of gun owners in America. Surely you've noticed that they bash gun owners every chance they get. More on this later.

Once the broad goals are adopted locally, then come the demands to allow overreaching regulations. Have you ever wondered where all these weird regulations in so many local governments are coming from? Agenda 21!

Eventually, they want control of the way Americans live, eat, learn and communicate. They want to be able to limit water, electricity and transportation.

Agenda 21 authors admit that it "...calls for specific changes in the activities of all people." No one would be free from the watchful eye of the proposed global tracking and information system.

Sound familiar? Rev 13:16-18 talks about getting to the point that every person on the planet will be controlled from one place.

This happens a few years after the Rapture, so as this moves along, the closer we are to our "twinkling of an eye" exit (1Cor 15:51-52).

The ultimate goal of Agenda 21, now cleverly referred to as "Growth Management," "Smart Growth," or "Comprehensive Planning," is to cram people into small livable areas in order to institute population control.

Naturally, one wonders how the heck they think private property is up for grabs until you look at the U.N. Charter compared to the U.S. Constitution.

When the U.S. tries to claim that we must get the approval of the U.N. to implement an action, then we're in effect saying that we are under the laws of the U.N., not under the laws of the U.S.

And the laws of the U.N. are not the same as the U.S.! The U.N. laws leave just enough wiggle room to do pretty much whatever they want to achieve their goals.

Agenda 21 includes a plan for "social justice" that will redistribute wealth. The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and naturally uses more energy, so we will be the hardest hit by environmental regulation.

But rather than using "environment," a word people are getting weary of, they are substituting the word "sustainability."

The goal of "sustainability," i.e. using government to accomplish vague earth-caring goals, is contrary to U.S. free market capitalism.

It's not the smoke they hate, it's just a ruse to regulate private business.

Third world countries that cannot financially afford to comply with the ridiculous environmental regulations will continue their high levels of fossil fuel consumption forcing the U.S. to conserve even more to make up for those countries.

Obama signed Executive Order 13575 establishing a "White House Rural Council" prescribed by Agenda 21. The amount of government resources Obama has directed to administer this order is almost unbelievable.

Not surprisingly, Obama committed thousands of federal employees in 25 federal agencies to promote "sustainability" in rural areas, completely bypassing Congressional approval!

Not all of these agencies are even related to rural areas. Their agenda is to entice local communities into adopting Agenda 21 programs by providing them millions of dollars in grants.

Rural areas, 16% of the U.S., are fast becoming directly controlled by the Federal Government- including education, food supply, land and water use, recreation, private property and energy.

Agenda 21 will be difficult to defeat now that it is already ingrained into over 600 local governments across the U.S. It IS possible that if Republicans take over the White House, Romney could ban Agenda 21. But don't hold your breath.

Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers. They also believe a good Mormon man can be a god like Jesus on their own planet after they die.

Always remember that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) is a cult! And Romney is a Bishop in the Mormon Church!

So the same demons leading our current administration will probably be leading Romney. And that's assuming Romney gets elected... which is about a 50/50 chance at best.

So the only way to actually fight this thing is to fight it locally. "Texans for Accountable Government" is doing this by educating local boards and commissions and serving on them. It's going to take that kind of grass roots action. See link below.

But don't miss the main objective of the UN, which is total control of everyone and everything.

Even if it seems far-fetched to you and me, the fact is they believe it and the Bible predicts it. And for the world's elitists (Satan's minions) the U.S. is the last stumbling block to total control.

Link to a presentation by TAG to an Austin, Texas city council meeting:

George Soros

"The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." - George Soros

What George Soros is doing makes Agenda 21 look like a Girl Scout meeting. Just unbelievable!

Soros is Hungarian by birth, has Jewish roots and changed his name from Schwartz to avoid the German persecution of Jews in the 1930s. He's a multi-billionaire, non-practicing Jew who has fully embraced atheism. He is a socialist, leaning toward Marxism and loathes the capitalistic United States.

In 1944 Soros worked under Adolf Eichmann in Hungary during WWll, and has referred to that year as one of the best years of his life. Eichmann was overseeing the murder of 500,000 Jews while at the same time confiscating their property. So it's a bit difficult to understand why Mr. Soros calls it a great year.

After WWll, Soros attended the London School of Economics where he was tutored by the infamous atheist Karl Popper learning how to implement and manage social engineering.

In 1956 Soros moved to New York City where he worked on Wall Street amassing a fortune in the capitalistic world of hedge funds and currency speculation.

Considered to be absolutely ruthless, amoral and shrewd, he had amassed his fortune by the mid-1980s. In 1992 he shorted the British pound leveraging billions in paper financial bets causing Britons to see their homes devalued and life savings' purchasing power cut by 1/3 almost overnight.

Soros was involved in and hugely financially benefited from the collapse of the former Soviet Empire, as well as the financial problems in Thailand and Malaysia. Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as kind of a Dracula. He sucks the blood from the people."

The Russians are so mad at Soros they have recently issued an arrest warrant for him. Calling him an "International Financial Terrorist," they claim the Russian Secret Service found that he was using foreign currency derivatives to start an attack on the Russian Currency Shares in the market.

When you throw in his roles in the financial problems in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Hungary, Ukraine, and Myanmar (formally Burma), you can better understand why and how his tightening tentacles of globalization and the New World Order give him more and more power.

Soros once told a major Australian newspaper, "America, as the center of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out." He added, "The time has come for a very serious 'adjustment' in America's consumption habits."

You may recall that our esteemed President Obama recently committed some 10 billion dollars of aid to Brazil to give them an investment advantage as they expanded their offshore oil fields. This was done at the same time he was denying permits to U.S. companies to drill in the waters off our own coasts.

But what you probably didn't know was that his aid to Brazil came shortly after his largest political financial backer, George Soros, had invested heavily in a Brazilian oil company named Petrobras.

Tait Trussel writes, "The Petrobras deal may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil, but it's a bad deal for the U.S."

The American Petroleum Institute estimates that had the Obama administration allowed the same type of drilling in waters off the U.S. coasts, it would have created some 150,000 new, high-wage jobs in the U.S. Not to mention somewhere in the range of 1.7 trillion dollars in federal, state and local revenue.... which of course would move us toward energy independence.

(Have you ever wondered why Barack Hussein Obama will not allow the Canadian pipeline and off-shore drilling that would give us huge amounts of oil, but rather wants us to pay through the nose to the Arabs?)

Soros loathes America and has been actively working to destroy it for years backing candidates who support extreme liberal positions like open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia and progressive positions supporting rights and entitlements.

His support has been critical in electing many of the more radical Democrats who replaced moderates.

David Horowitz and Richard Poe authored the book, "The Shadow Party." Its' a detailed outline of how Soros got control of the Democratic Party and now pretty much calls all the shots.

It shows how the Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration. In "The Shadow Party" the authors say:

"By Soros' own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country for 'regime change,' he begins by creating a shadow government, a full-formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises."

"The Shadow Party Soros has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup," says the

In the November 2008 edition of the German magazine "Der Spiegel," Soros was quoted on what he thought the next U.S. President should do immediately after taking office: "I think we need a large stimulus package... around 600 billion dollars."

When Obama and the democrats were swept into office, Soros said, "I think Obama presents us a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap-and-trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights." This, of course, is exactly with Obama is seeking.

In 2008, Soros donated five billion dollars to the Democratic National Committee, both to secure Obama's election win and elect as many far-left liberals as possible. Yes, you read that right, five billion dollars to the Democrats!

These eye-popping donations, actually beginning during the Clinton administration, have continued through today. He controls dozens of companies through which he funnels money to promote his causes.

Ted Behr, who is a Christian and a movie critic, spoke at one of our Steeling the Mind Conferences and lamented that he has proof that G-Rated family movies are hugely profitable but he can't get the major studios to invest in them.

Surprise surprise, turns out that Soros has huge influence in the entertainment industry. He owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner and therefore can insist they avoid scripts with conservative Christian values. Have you ever wondered why almost every major movie has at least one pro-homosexual scene?

His influence in the mainstream media is also quite heavy. MSNBC calls those who identify with the Tea Party "dangerous radicals" while praising those in the Occupy movement.

Richard Poe writes, "Soros' private philanthropy, totaling nearly 5 billion dollars, continues undermining America's traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering."

Soros heavily supports, Media Matters for America, the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, Planned Parenthood, the Occupy Movement and many more. You can get a complete list and descriptions at

In summary, George Soros is an anti-American, anti-christian, far-left liberal billionaire and is on a no-holds-barred fight to take America down in order for his vision of a new world order to be instituted.

As hard as it is to believe one guy can have this much impact, it's true. But the answer for Believers is not only voting for candidates who stand on Biblical values. We also must pray for our nation to wake up to what is going on. Otherwise, the land of the free may come to a screeching halt much sooner than any of us dreamed.

Bottom line- armor up with God's Word! God allowed us to live at the time we do. Be ready to defend what you believe. Below are great DVDs with a wealth of info. Order 'em and pass 'em around!!

Some of the Soros information was researched and compiled by CBS reporter Steve Kroft.

Link to a presentation by TAG to an Austin, Texas city council meeting:

Saturday, May 5, 2012

JP Morgan Silver Manipulation

(And why you need to know why silver is headed up beyond $500/oz.)
Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel, 2012

Allow me to bring you up to date on what you need to know about JP Morgan's manipulation of the silver market.

It is being exposed, and JP Morgan is failing, and losing money on their scheme.

On April 5th, we were given the gift of JP Morgan's Blythe Masters giving a TV interview on CNBC where she was trying to claim that JP Morgan does not hold any position in the silver market, but rather, is hedging client long positions in silver.

Blythe says, "We store significant amounts of commodities, for instance silver, on behalf of customers. We operate vaults in New York City, in Singapore and in London. Often when customers have that metal stored in our facilities they hedge it on a forward basis through JPMorgan, which in turn hedges in the commodities market," she said.

"If you see only the hedges and our activity in the futures market but you aren't aware of the underlying client position that we're hedging, then it would suggest inaccurately that we're running a large directional position," she added. "In fact that's not the case at all. We have offsetting positions. We have no stake in whether prices rise or decline."

The article and TV interview are here:
JPMorgan Not Speculating on Commodities: Blythe Masters

Note the phrase: "the underlying client position that we're hedging."

Excuse me, my instinct tells me that clients don't want their long silver positions hedged, or sold short.  Why would a client with a long silver position want the bank to create an offsetting short position for the client?  If you buy stock or shares in a company, do you want your brokerage firm to short the company you just bought to "protect" you from upside gains?  This explanation makes no sense.  A client with such a long and short position would also have to pay storage fees on the long silver position, and then lose all of any upside gains due to the short position.  It makes no sense, in the way that Blythe is trying to get us to understand the words she is using.

As I understand things, JP Morgan (and many other banks, but mostly JP Morgan) has many clients who want to be long silver, in the OTC or "Over The Counter" market and LBMA market, up to perhaps $100 billion to $200 billion worth of "silver" in "accounts".  But JP Morgan (and other western banks) never went out and bought this silver in the first place, because there does not exist $100 billion to $200 billion worth of silver to buy in a world that produces and mines only about $6 billion (at $10/oz.) to $21 billion (at $30/oz) worth of silver per year.  This puts JP Morgan (and other banks) in a natural short position, as they owe their clients 10-20 times more silver than the world produces annually.  JP Morgan thus has this massive natural silver short exposure.  To protect the bank from the silver short position, JP Morgan must cap silver prices, by shorting silver on the COMEX, where prices are set.  Otherwise, as silver prices rise, the bank loses more and more on the silver they are supposedly holding for their clients.  Only in that sense, does JP Morgan have "offsetting positions"; in other words, shorts on COMEX to back up or shore up JP Morgan's other losing short positions (client long positions)!

JP Morgan cannot offset such OTC positions in the OTC market.  Except, in the sense I just explained, every single additional "sale" of silver in the OTC market protects and hedges every other sale, as all sales of "silver" in "accounts" to customers have the cumulative effect of preventing people from buying and taking delivery of real physical silver which would drive the silver price up.

The key reason why the London LBMA and OTC silver selling is so successful is that nobody ever asks for delivery of the silver, because there is a 20% tax on silver delivery in London.  See here:

There were two good commentaries on JP Morgan's Blythe Masters TV appearance, here:

Mike Maloney breaks down Price Manipulation in the Gold and Silver Market

The Russia Today TV show is 27 minutes long, and begins with Jeff Christians shocking admission at the CFTC hearings that the silver market trades 100 times as much silver as really exists to back up all the positions and trades.

JPM’s TV Appearance

JP Morgan first admitted having (or trying or wanting to cover) a short position in silver back in December 2010, about a year and 5 months ago.  This was reported by the Financial times, and by Barron's, and others.

JPMorgan cuts back on US silver futures

Report: J.P. Morgan Cutting Back Big Bets Against Silver

What's excellent today is the comparison of today's explanation to JP Morgan's lie from a year and 5 months ago.  Back then, JP Morgan was trying to claim they were closing out, or had closed out, their short positions in silver.  Today, a year and 5 months later, they supposedly have this rational excuse that their firm's short positions in silver exist to offset other client long positions.  Both explanations are lies, obviously.  What I like about the lie of "offsetting client long positions" is that it is a lie disguised by the truth.

The truth is that they do have client long positions that would likely bankrupt the bank if they filled those positions and tried to buy silver that does not exist, and to hedge that exposure, they must manipulate the silver market's prices lower.  Thus, the current lie is sort of like an admission of the truth, but they are being very deceptive and tricky about how they present it.  The best kind of lie is simply a distorted version of the truth, of course.

The New York Post exposed JP Morgan's manipulation of the silver market back in May, 2010, when they exposed an ongoing investigation by the CFTC AND the US Department of Justice into JP Morgan's silver trading.

Feds probing JP Morgan trades in silver pit

That article came out a month after my complaint to the US Justice Department in April, 2010, a month earlier.

My readers told me they wrote to the US Department of Justice about silver manipulation, without mentioning any company names, and the US Department of Justice sent back form letters saying they were looking into JP Morgan's activities in silver, mentioning JP Morgan by name!

So, what about my claim of the size of those OTC silver positions being in the range of $100 billion to $200 billion, which are far larger than the silver that trades on the COMEX?

Well, those are not my claims, but rather, those are numbers produced by the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements.  I have repeatedly reported on these figures here:

BIS Changed Silver Data
(From $203 to $93 Billion in Silver Liabilities?)
by Jason Hommel, July 6th, 2011

Silver News Explodes; JP Morgan Admits Guilt!
(JP Morgan admits they are short silver!)
by Jason Hommel, December 15th, 2010

BIS Admits $190 Billion Silver Fraud
(Almost, if you know where to look!)
by Jason Hommel, April 6th, 2009

The discrepancy or change in the BIS data from $203 Billion of "Other Precious Metals" (in other words, silver) down to $93 billion is still being reported at the BIS website.

From the 2010, June report: $203 billion for the June, 2009 period.

From the 2010, December report: $93 billion for the June, 2009 period.

See Table 22a, Amounts outstanding of OTC equity-linked and commodity derivatives, in the category of "Other Precious Metals".  Scroll down about 90% into the pdf documents.

This BIS data is the smoking gun of manipulation in the silver market.

There is no way that the big banks can increase OTC shorts by $100 billion in silver in 6 months, when the world barely produces $15 billion of silver per year, without the silver price going bananas to the upside, unless this kind of silver derivatives exposure is silver that is owed to clients, which is essentially a naked short position, or silver that was "bought" by the customers, but never purchased by the banks in the open market, purposefully and maliciously and with the specific intent to prevent the silver price from running away to the upside, and to keep the fraud of the paper dollar going as long as possible.  This is really revealing the fraud of the multi trillion dollar paper money scam that the world has going.

There is no reason to disbelieve the BIS numbers when the banks accidentally reveal data that condemns them, and exposes the silver short selling fraud; and every reason to suspect bad faith and nefarious intent when they later edit the data at a key time, Dec. 2010, when JP Morgan is being investigated by two arms of the US Government.

JP Morgan first took on this silver short position when silver was about $20/oz.  Later, the silver price was manipulated down to $9/oz.  Today, with silver at about $32, we can see that the manipulation game is failing.

All frauds eventually fail completely.  This one will, too.  In the end, holding silver in accounts with large banks will not help you.  You need real silver in your own real vault that you have personally lifted and stored away.  Any other kind of silver that others hold for you is likely fraud, and will not protect you in the event of the collapse of the dollar or the collapse of the financial system or the collapse of your brokerage company.

By the time this fraud is exposed fully, and by the time a mere 1% of people or money in America starts buying silver, such as only about $180 billion in the banking system, the silver price will exceed $500/oz. and large firms such as JP Morgan will either be bankrupt, or they will be bailed out to the tune of trillions to keep the financial system together, which will create further inflation that will drive 2% of people into silver, and create the very runaway metals market that will just not stop until all paper money and paper accounts are destroyed for generations.


I strongly advise you to take possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you still can.   The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a major price spike can happen at any time.

JH MINT & Coin Shop
13241 Grass Valley Ave
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 273-8175

Minimum telephone order $5000 for free shipping, USA shipping only.
Open 10AM to 5PM Pacific Time, Monday to Friday, closed weekends and bank holidays.  (Also Closed from Dec. 25th to Jan 1st)
Kerri handles internet phone orders:
(530) 273-8822

NEW Location in Auburn, CA!
JH MINT Silver & Gold
1760 Highway 49 A140
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-1086

You can also buy silver from my mom at
Mom will ship overseas, even large orders up to $300,000 or larger, and also in lots of more or less than 100 ounces.  
3510 Auburn Blvd #12
Sacramento, CA 95821


Jason Hommel

Economic refugees fleeing Spain: Why we should worry about Spain’s economic pain

by The Extinction Protocol

May 1, 2012 – SPAIN – We should all be very worried about what’s going on in Spain. Because Spain isn’t Greece. The Greek crisis was most likely not a direct threat to the survival of the monetary union. Its economy was simply too small. The danger was in the possible contagion effect Greece might present if it outright defaulted or bolted from the union. Spain, the zone’s fourth-largest economy (after Germany, France and Italy) can do a lot of damage all by itself. If Spain ultimately requires a bailout, it would strain the resources available in the zone’s rescue fund (the European portion of which was recently boosted to a total of $925 billion) and put pressure on the zone to fatten up the fund even more, which Germany and others have been reluctant to do. Such an event would also be the biggest blow to the future of the euro yet, likely reigniting the crisis in Italy and making other bailouts more likely (especially for Portugal). With emerging markets slowing down, Europe in the toilet, the U.S. recovery uncertain, and energy prices high, a Spanish meltdown is exactly what the global economy doesn’t need right now. Watching developments in Spain since the beginning of April has been source of non-stop déjà vu for anyone who spent 2010 watching events unfold in Ireland. There are a number of striking similarities between the position in which the Spanish government now finds itself and the Irish government’s situation in November 2010, just before it was forced into an EU/IMF bailout programme. Based on Ireland’s experience, a bailout for Spain seems inevitable. –Time

Stemming the Islamic massacre of Christians in Africa

Bill Wilson –

My Christian brother William and I have shared a longstanding 20 year friendship, relationship and family bond in Yeshua. William is in Ghana, West Africa, and together we have been doing mission work there. Our ministry is particularly important as well as dangerous these days. Christians in rural West Africa are endangered. Just last weekend, for example, the Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria, slaughtered 16 Christians at the University in Kano. The Boko Haram has declared that Western education is forbidden and it has set out to create a Christian-free Nigeria. Christians can leave, convert or die. Same thing with the terrorist Fulani in Ghana, who migrated from Nigeria.

The Christian response in Ghana largely has been an import of Western culture where there is little outreach and much emphasis on tithing and control--all under the auspices of better Christian living. Ministers that I met 20 years ago have caved in to the Western concepts along with the money and fame. Their pictures are on billboards advertising their churches and conferences. They are dressed in expensive suits and are wearing gold watches and jewelry, giving the impression that Christianity means wealth. Meanwhile, their Christian brothers and sisters in the rural areas are being harassed, murdered and enslaved by Islamization. Our ministry is dedicated to answer this direct threat of Islam.

William explains: "Our outreach coordinators operate in hostile environments that call for extra, extra caution regarding how they function. The slightest word out of place or step in the wrong direction may bring about instant death or serious harm to one's body. As such, the rule of thumb is to express abundance love to the Muslims. That works miraculously! To express love is to primarily provide most of them with food, gifts and acceptance of their persons. Unfortunately, the operations of our outreach coordinators are hindered because they themselves are very poor individuals needing help too! Without support from us, there is nothing much that they can do. The situation is simply overwhelming."

I believe that our small efforts are helping stem the tide of Islamic aggression in Ghana. We are seeing progress. We do not want to see in Ghana what is happening regularly to our brothers and sisters in Nigeria. We do not want to see in America what is happening in West Africa. As Romans 12:21 says, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." You do not have to look far to see the impact of Islam. You also do not have to look far to see the impact of Christianity. Anyone thinking that they can work with Islam on issues of common ground will someday be enslaved or killed by Islam. We do not serve the same god. We need to be about our Father's business as if our lives depended on it.

The Matrix is Real Part 1

By Donna Wasson –

How does one go about trying to explain the fantastic? How do you tell others that much of their basic understanding of their country and the world around them is based on lies? How do you explain that the movie, The Matrix, really wasn’t that far off the mark with regard to our world system?

I am a very practical woman. I was never interested in fairy tales as a child and I was adamant that stories of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were not taught to my son. I wanted him to grow up always knowing Mom and Dad would never lie to him about anything. He’s been taught that the only source of truth on this earth is the Word of God because, Mom and Dad might be mistaken occasionally but the Bible is always correct.

I’ve also never given much credence to conspiracy theories about the American government being out to get John Q. Public. I’ve always trusted our leaders and consider it a privilege to live in the strongest, richest, most wonderful country in the history of mankind. I tear up seeing the American flag on the 4th of July and I’m button-busting proud of our military men and women. This country is precious to me and I would die to defend the ideals our Founding Fathers designed her to emulate.

I’m sure you’re scratching your head, wondering what I’m babbling about. I just don’t know where to start trying to relay this information. First, let me make this abundantly clear. Everything I am going to share is documented fact that can be researched on the web and in libraries. It is historical record from the past that stretches into the future before us. Ajoshuand it will chill you to the bone. Like the character Neo in the movie, we all need to wake up and see the reality of the situation we’re in and exactly who is pulling the strings.

As you know, I am a long time, Bible believing Christian. I am convinced that the rapture of the church is very, very near and that is the whole reason I write—to warn those of you who don’t know Christ that the world as we know it is about to change in ways that will freak you out and you do NOT want to be here to experience it. I won’t be!

The Matrix is Real: Part I explains the origin of the Globalist elite and covers history going back to the 1700’s. It’s extremely important you understand how these people and ideals came to be and how they acquired their mind-blowing power over the governments of today. You will undoubtedly recognize many of the names involved. Keep in mind ALL of this is verifiable.

You’ve heard the term ‘New World Order’ brandied about more and more in the past few years but very few people in America know what it is and what it means. For centuries, there has been a slow, insidious movement among the world’s elite to shape the societies, religions and governments of the world into one central government and one religion.

No, it’s not a fairy tale. It has been in the works for hundreds of years and is about to come to fruition. It also fits hand in glove with what the Bible tells us about the anti-christ and false prophet’s rule over this planet. It will involve every man, woman and child left here after the Christians are snatched to safety by Christ. It is the perfect description of the Tribulation.

You may have heard the term, “Illuminati” before, referring to some mythical organization somewhere that does something, but no one really knows what or if it even exists. Well it does exist and it has everything to do with what is soon to be unleashed on this earth. The Illuminati was originally a sect of Germans in the 15th century who practiced the occult and claimed to have the ‘light’ that Lucifer retained after he became satan.

In 1743, a goldsmith named Amshcel Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. Above his door he hung a red shield which depicted a Roman eagle on it. The German word for ‘red shield’ is Rothschild. He had a son, Meyer Amschel Bauer who turned out to be very bright and eager to learn, so his father taught him everything he could about the money lending business and the basics of finance.

After Bauer, Sr. died, Meyer went to work in Hannover as a clerk in a bank owned by the Oppenheimers. His intellect caused him to advance quickly and he was awarded a junior partnership. His success eventually allowed him to return to Frankfurt and he purchased the shop his father had established. That red shield still hung over the door and he decided to change his name to Rothschild (red shield) and that is how the House of Rothschild came into being.

As a result of his experience with the Oppenheimers, he learned that loaning money to governments and kings was much more profitable than loaning to the common man because the loans were much bigger and secured by the nation’s taxes. He went on to have five sons who were all trained in the ways of finance and banking and were subsequently sent to the capitals of Europe to open branch offices of the family bank.

One son Nathan, who was especially talented, went to London and firmly established relations between the House of Rothschild and the Bank of England. The Rothschilds eventually bought out or drove out of business most of the banking competition in Europe. They ended up becoming court agents for the Royal families of Europe and their fortune continued to grow.

Meyer realized that in order to gain more influence and control over the finances of the various European monarchs, he would have to greatly diminish the influence of the church over the Royals which would necessitate its destruction. To do this, he sought help from a Catholic priest, Adam Weishaupt who eventually assembled a secret satanic order.

Weishaupt was born a Jew in Bavaria and was educated by Jesuits who converted him to Catholicism. Although he became a priest, he ended up becoming an atheist and an ardent student of French philosopher, Voltaire. Voltaire was an atheist revolutionary who wrote the following to King Frederick, II. “Lastly, when the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and infidelity strong enough, the final blow is to be dealt by the sword of open, relentless persecution. A reign of terror is to be spread over the whole earth, and….continue while any Christian should be found obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity.”

As a result of Voltaire’s writings, Weishaupt began to conceive of ideas concerning the destruction of the Church. He met with Meyer Rothschild in 1775, left the priesthood and, at Rothschild’s request, began to organize the Illuminati, whose 1st chapter was started in his home in Ingolstadt.

Members of the Illuminati believe they possess the “Light of Lucifer” and because of this, they are the only members of the human race who are truly enlightened and capable of governing. Weishaupt and his followers, including Rothschilds, denounced God and considered themselves the world’s intellectual elite and only they had the mental capacity, knowledge, insight and understanding necessary to govern the world and bring peace. They all worship Lucifer and their purpose and goal was and still is the establishment of a “Novus Ordo Seclorum” or New World Order or One World Government.

As time went on, the House of Rothschild spread its sinister influence into the newly formed United States of America’s banking system. Benjamin Franklin understood the dangers of a privately owned Central Bank controlling the issue of the nation’s currency and resisted the idea until his death.

However, Alexander Hamilton pushed through legislation that established the First Bank of the United States, which was chartered by the Bank of England. Nathan Rothschild invested heavily in the new bank and set about to control all financial activities between banks in America.

The U.S. Constitution put control of the nation’s currency into the hands of Congress, which was designed to keep it out of the hands of the banking industry. This thwarted Rothschild’s plans and over the next twenty years, the bankers and Illuminati agents wreaked havoc with the economy by creating cycles of inflation and tight money.

At first the economy would boom, jobs were plentiful and people borrowed money to buy homes and farms. Then the bankers would raise interest rates which caused a depression, high unemployment and homes were repossessed by the banks for a fraction of their true value. This is the modus operandi of the Illuminati and it would recur time and time again, and is still going on today. Does this sound familiar?

The House of Rothschild, with the help of the Illuminati, has continued to gain power and financial influence all over the world. American and British intelligence have documented evidence that they have financed both sides of every war since the American Revolution. They own railroads, coal mines and iron works, and held the first loan on the Suez Canal.

They have financed the plunder of African countries. Their power and reach is difficult to fully calculate because the group is so clandestine and thrives on the cooperation of various nations, Kings and Presidents. Most people don’t believe the Illuminati even exist.

By the end of the 19th century, the House of Rothschild had controlling financial influence in the U.S., England, France, Germany, Austria and Italy. Only Russia was unconquered, but not for long. A cartel, made up of the Carnegies, Morgans, Rockefellers and Chases covertly financed the Bolshevik Revolution and the murder of the Russian royal family.

This allowed for the purchase of oil fields and refineries in Russia by the Standard Oil Company and the sale of oil to Europe. The mastermind of the Bolshevik Revolution, Jacob Schiff, of the Kuhn Loeb Bank, backed by Rothschild, campaigned for a central bank in the U.S. They assisted Rothschild to manipulate and manufacture the financial panic of 1907, which was the basis for the Federal Reserve Act, the brainchild of Baron Alfred Rothschild of London.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 decimated the Constitution and consolidated financial power of the international financiers in the United States. Pierre Jay, who was initiated into the Illuminati’s “Order of the Skull and Bones” became the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. A dozen members of the Federal Reserve are linked to the same ‘order.’

And so it continues even today. The English Royal Family, Prime Minister and Parliament are all fronts for the real power of this privately-owned corporation. The heads of today’s huge corporations in banking, the largest Wall Street investment firms, the automakers who needed taxpayer bailouts—all are owned and controlled by the Illuminati.

The satanic tendrils of the House of Rothschild and its attack dog, the Illuminati, extend deep into every government on earth, including America. Various Presidents and even current members of Congress are members of the Illuminati, whose overarching goal goes back to that New World Order.

I wish I could say all of this isn’t true. I don’t want to have to wake up to face the fact of there being an organized group whose power, wealth and arrogance know no bounds and who answer to no one. They are a shadow government that controls elected officials and the decisions they make affect our lives in major ways.

Everything from the state of the economy to the price of gas and food down to the decision to go to war and against who is manipulated by them. This is the Matrix in which we live. You must wake up to reality and prepare for what is soon to come. They are almost ready to overtly take control of this world.

I’ll explain the ramifications of the Globalists (Illuminati) plans for the world and how they have been able to manipulate entire populations to bend to their desires. Do NOT miss The Matrix is Real: Part II.